
About me

Photography has been part of my life for the past 40 years. Sometimes other activities took priority but photography remained in focus, with a camera, more or less sophisticated, at reach at all times.

It took me some time to get "control" over the digital medium and I still love the old ways.

During the 70s and the 80s I had the opportunity to fly with small aircrafts across the North Atlantic which sometimes made stops in Greenland to refuel and I fell in love with Greenland, my introduction to the Arctic. 40 years later I have visited most of the Arctic and even ventured to the North Pole. In addition I have taken part in a number of expeditions to Antarctica.

The polar regions offer a special opportunity to get in touch with yourself. Over the years I have come to appreciate whatever the elements decided to offer me. I am aware that this last frontier is in danger of disappearing with global climate change and I hope that my photographs will help to show the beauty of these regions and inspire others to help in the efforts to save them for future generations.

This website is my personal portfolio of the things I love to photograph - landscapes and animals.

Enjoy the photos.

For comments please contact me under info(at)aero100.lu